May 15Liked by Carol Hudson

I was especially encouraged by the reminder to ‘do the next right thing’. It’s amazing to me how easily my peace can be disrupted by overwhelm - especially in a house full of kids - sometimes I feel as though I’m being pulled in many different directions at once 🤪 but it’s as simple as ‘what does God require of me in this next moment?’ As long as I’m obeying Him - whilst not always easy - there is that peace!

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May 16·edited May 16Author

It was helpful to have my husband say it to me at times, too. It is so simple but I need simple. :)

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May 15Liked by Carol Hudson

This is a great article! So much wisdom and perspective. I love how you taught your children to be “initiators” 💕 what a beautiful thing! And the quote about “airing out” our mother’s mind made me laugh! So true!

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Thank you, Katy. It's a great quote - the old mind gets a bit dull sometimes. :)

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May 15Liked by Carol Hudson

I love how you stated this about your son - “learning without labels.” Two of my four were slower to read, and now I see it had nothing to do with intelligence. I’m so grateful they had the space and time to grow on their own schedule.

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Hi Valerie,

I hate to think of the damage that labelling could have done. I've talked to parents whose children have been under that cloud throughout their whole schooling.

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Jun 2Liked by Carol Hudson

This was so encouraging to read! Thank you for sharing your philosophy and practice methods here. I home educate my three sons ages 4, 6, and 8 in Florida, USA. I have been so helped by just reading about your experiences with your children! In this post, I especially appreciate the reminder that I need not be as organized as many other homeschooling mothers seem to be, in order to still do well.

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Hi Susie, thanks for your lovely comment. Home education forces you into some sort of rhythm and that's a sort of organising! There seems to be a lot of stuff that focuses on this topic - which you have to pay for - but I don't think it's necessarily helpful.

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Jun 3Liked by Carol Hudson

Ha yes, it does force you and it IS organizing! Trial and error, persistence, and also recognizing my worth is not wrapped up in my productivity or organizational prowess -- these things all help in my day to day managing my home and sons' school. And I benefit greatly from people like you who have done it over many more years than I have!

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Wow this is so beautiful — thank you for sharing so many of your reflections from firsthand experience! I really loved the bit on the oldest being role models. We had our first almost a year ago, and I’m absorbing as much as feels healthy on how to create a nurturing home environment for him. We’re hoping for a second next year and it’s a good reminder to start simple lessons early so that he can be a supportive role model for whoever comes next ❤️ I don’t know that homeschooling is in our family’s future, but I find all your wisdom here so helpful nonetheless. And I’ll be using it over the first few years of life, at the very least :) Thank you!!

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😊 You’re welcome, Miriam.

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