Jun 3Liked by Carol Hudson

Thank you for sharing this, Carol.

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Wonderful to discover that you are leading a read-along to this homeschool classic (it was one of the first ones recommended to me and one that I always lend out to new homeschoolers). We were actually good friends with Susan's nanny (Mary) from L'Abri and heard many interesting background stories to her life growing up there. She passed away several years ago but we visit Mary's husband, Ellis Potter (who was converted during one of Francis Schaeffer's discussion sessions), every year in Switzerland where he continues to serve as a pastor and teaches frequently at L'Abri.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4Author

I just read on your Substack that you're Swiss :) What a lovely connection you have there!

I read many of the Schaeffer's books as a new Christian in my early twenties & am indebted to them in restoring my understanding of family, & relationships in general, after my parent's marriage break up.

L'Abri has never had a very visible presence here in Australia, that I'm aware of, although one of my sons just sent me a link to a couple of L'Abri communities that he found.

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Ellis Potter, who learned his approach to pastoring from Francis Schaeffer, has some interesting sermons, books etc. that you can find on his site here http://www.ellis-potter.com/index.html (my husband was the editor for the books).There is also currently a documentary about English L'Abri in the final stages of production https://www.labridocumentary.com/. Glad to have come across your Substack :)

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Many thanks for the links, Ruth. What an interesting man!

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Yes, his biography is fascinating and an excellent read:)

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Jun 3Liked by Carol Hudson

This is so timely as I will be re-reading this influential book this summer for a book club!

I would love to access your PDF; however, it tells me access is denied.

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Hi Valerie, I've fixed the link so you should be able to get to it now. Let me know if there's any problem accessing it.

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