I LOVE Brideshead....I think it is my favorite book ever. I would definitely encourage you to reread it. I think it only grows as a novel with rereading. The second half explains the first, but this is more appreciated on a second read.

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I think it's a book that would work well as a read along. I read a post on your substack: https://readingrevisited.substack.com/p/the-good-good-the-good-bad-the-bad

I'm part way through Gilead & had to agree with the thoughts put in the article about the book being 'relative.' It was evident in her book 'Lila" although I didn't really put my finger on it at the time.

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Yes we did Brideshead back in 2020 as a book club for Reading Revisited!

That was actually my friend/co-admin (Jessica Risma) who wrote that post but it is lovely! Such helpful categories to think about books.

We read Gilead back in 2022 I think and it got a lot of push back and I agree with a lot of what people had to say, but honestly I have some push back and would like to reread and write about it! I think what Marilynne Robinson has to say may be for a certain (very Calvinistic, Protestant) audience and what seems like relativism may be some push back on a very “ungracious” theology. But reading it from a Catholic perspective we may not “get.”

But, what that means for it’s ultimate literary value is a question I am still pondering.

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